Saturday, 10 August 2013

Hello Struggling and Successful Internet World

The truth is, this game of life and internet life is bonkers crazy. It offers so much and delivers very little for the vast majority of people.

The minority who do thrive online are the guys who are the masters of propaganda. Their message typically offers a way to success via the buying of their stuff after making you feel safe because your current failure is "not your fault". Well it s your fault numb nuts. Your entire success and where you are at today are the whole sum of your life decisions. Your choices and nobody else's choices have got you into the "sh" "one" "T" if that is whee you are right now. If you are flying high and life is better than good, then well done and congratulations as this place of greatness is down to the full sum of your choices too.

So guys and girls, where you are right now, are you happy? Are you fulfilled? Do you rise out of bed in the morning glad to be alive or is your thoughts focused on the dread of a crappy day ahead? Is your whole life surviving for the weekend and then trying to consume your way to happiness? Yeah, I did the buying of stuff to make me feel "happy" too and that works as well as a one armed guy trying to nail jelly to the ceiling.

You see, it is only when you fully realise that your life is mainly infected (yes infected) by other people's choices that you can feel totally depressed enough that allows for a change to occur in your life. Yes depression and despair can be the father of abundance and joy. It is in the hurt that your life allows for greatness to appear. Your Greatness, Your Joy and Your Chance of a NEW Fulfilling Life of Value.

Are You Ready For the Time of Your Life? Yes... Well "it's time to stand up and fight".... I feel a Flying Pickets song coming along (Lyrics from a 1980's UK Hit Song -Caravan of Love)... Anyway, when was the last time you stood up to YOURSELF? Yes YOU!!! You know the cravings for food that makes you fat, being lazy and not exercising, drinking Latte's instead of water, burgers instead of broccoli. What about the "easy life" choices of following someone else's goals and not your own goals? What about accepting things for yourself that you know deep down is just mediocre and unfulfilling? Getting by till you die? Heck, no wonder life is an echo of potential.

When was the last time you said "NO" to the easy road. No to the comfortable road. No to the road of familiar. The media, governments do a great job of human programming on us, but we are own worst prison keepers. Are drone lives of "existing" our own lives? Are these the lives you would have looked forward to as a kid? More importantly, is this a life that you will regret when you are in your retirement?

I bet you know you are a shadow of your potential. I bet that you have a thousand reasons and excuses for being where you are at right now. I also bet if I put you on the spot, you will defend to the death these reasons and excuses that hold you back. You will protect your own prison walls with a sacred insanity that is beautifully and perfectly human. HEY, how can you kiss and kick in the same sentence. Well I know, I realised. That this human existence is boundless in it's variety from the blessed traits we have.

You can crawl from the same existence as a twin brother, they will echo the life of suffering whilst the other twin rises to be one of greatness. It all comes down to your choices. What are your choices going to be now you know?

Know what? You know that if you light the fire of desire and dare to dream. Dare to fail and dare to learn. Dare to struggle in pursuit of your dream, that you are the potential of perfect joy and a source of perpetual inspiration once you have shown the way.

Start by saying no to others and saying yes to YOU and your desires and the behaviours that will reward you with the realisation of your goals. Start by raising your standards of yourselves and others. Don't put up with people's crap and do not give people crap. Encourage and support, as this is the echo of your existence in eternity.  

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